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Mastering the Art of AI-Driven Content Creation for Google SEO

This week, I presented the above title at the SEO Vibes event organized for the first time in Turkey.

This week, the first “SEO Vibes” event occurred in Turkey’s digital marketing world. WhitePress Turkey organized this event, which created a buzz in the SEO and content marketing world.

Mert Vahit Demir from the ZEO agency and Cihat Murat Yüksel from the Webtures agency also contributed to the event with their presentations. At the event, I presented “Producing Content Suitable for Google Algorithms with Artificial Intelligence.” In the presentation, I shared the successful SEO case analyses we have achieved using ChatGPT (GPT-4).

You can find the presentation below:

GPT-4 is an advanced artificial intelligence model developed by OpenAI capable of language understanding and generation. This technology is attracting the attention of more and more business and marketing professionals. However, along with this interest, there are many questions about the potential of GPT-4 and how to use it properly.

Producing content with AI requires a strategy that is compatible with Google algorithms. Therefore, when using ChatGPT, we considered the basic principles of SEO and Google’s expectations for content quality.

Here are some of these experiences:

  • Keyword Strategy: ChatGPT can use keywords in a natural language. In this way, Google algorithms perceived our content as more organic and user-oriented. However, in this process, we also learned that we need to be careful when determining the keywords we target because ChatGPT produces content based on the instructions we give. Wrong commands can produce wrong content.
  • Content Quality: The content produced with ChatGPT was generally of high quality. However, just like any written content, this content had to be edited and reviewed. In this way, our content became more relevant and valuable for users and Google algorithms.
  • User-centered Content: One of ChatGPT’s greatest strengths is its ability to create content that will engage users and answer their questions. In this way, our content is valuable to users and meets Google’s “E-A-T” (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) criteria. Instead of just creating content around search words, we asked ChatGPT to meet user expectations and create helpful content fully. This also allowed us to align with Google’s Useful Content system.

This event and our experience with ChatGPT provided valuable insights into how AI and SEO can work together. However, there is an important point to remember: AI is just a tool and should be used strategically to achieve the best results.

While producing content by Google algorithms with ChatGPT, it is necessary to consider many factors, from keyword selection to content quality and user-oriented content creation. Therefore, we consider the role of artificial intelligence in content production as part of our overall SEO strategy.

As a result, the “SEO Vibes” event was a platform where forward-thinking thoughts and strategies on SEO and artificial intelligence were shared. At this event, we had the opportunity to share ChatGPT’s role in our SEO strategy and our successes. These experiences offered a promising perspective on the future of SEO and brought new ideas on how AI can shape our content strategy.

ChatGPT and other AI technologies will likely play an essential role in the future of SEO and content marketing. However, to fully utilize the potential of these technologies, we aim to use them strategically and continuously learn and evolve. In this process, events like SEO Vibes will continue to be a valuable resource for us to follow the latest trends and innovations in the industry.


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