Google Search Central Live Turkey 2024: Highlights and Notes

Notes from Google Search Central Live Turkey 2024: Martin Splitt and John Mueller participated in the event and many topics were discussed.

I recently attended the Google Search Central Live Turkey 2024 event in Istanbul. The event took place at Tekfen Tower and, aside from some interesting points, mainly revolved around familiar topics, as I expected. Martin Splitt attended the event in person, while John Mueller joined via video conference.

Martin Splitt gave a presentation on Google’s crawling and indexing mechanism and investigating traffic drops through Google Search Console.

John Mueller’s words were particularly noteworthy:

“Those who produce content with AI should know that these contents are based on content previously produced on the web.”

This statement spoke volumes to me. If we aim to succeed on Google with AI content, it highlights that achieving this with ordinary and average AI content produced by everyone is impossible. I read that Google understands these contents are mediocre through its algorithms because hundreds of sites say similar things.

The general atmosphere of the event essentially revolved around basic information. When will AI Overviews be introduced into Turkey’s search results? Are you satisfied with the quality of the sites appearing on the first page of Google search results? Additionally, we received no answers to the questions we asked via the form about video verification being the only option for verifying Google Business accounts. I could say, “A mountain has given birth to a mouse.”

At the end of the event, I made the following note: as John Mueller emphasized, if we want to make a difference, we must add our experiences, know-how, and original thoughts to AI content. On the other hand, the notion that Google entirely disfavors AI-generated content is just a myth. It’s possible to succeed using AI tools with quality, original, and different perspectives. However, such myths lead to the emergence of various tools and profit generation. Therefore, paying attention to who initiates these stories is also essential.

In conclusion, I find it significant that an event like this was organized in Turkey for the first time. I’m also aware that Google spokespeople cannot discuss everything transparently. I had hoped they would share more information specific to Turkey.


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